Thumbs Up on Ice

After our Ski trip we were in the mood for more cold fun, so on the 22 October we went to enjoy the Dowse Ice Skating ring in Lower Hutt. For some of us it was the first time on the ice or on skates and for others a nostalgic feeling of sliding effortlessly around the corners. Luckily there were orange seals or dolphins to hold us up or to sit on. The staff at the Ice Skating Ring were very helpful and kind enough to let our wheelchair doing wheelies on the ice too!

Merryn and Brian at Ice Skating rink at Dowse
Merryn and Brian at Ice Skating rink at Dowse
Melissa and Brian using the Dolphine while skating
Melissa and Brian using the Dolphine while skating
Karyn and Laura Ice skating
Karyn and Laura Ice skating