Employment Opportunities

We are currently looking for casual staff and volunteers to come and join our fun team!

Our programme is activities based which means you get to go out and have fun while participating in activities such as swimming, cooking, gardening, photography, going to the gym, out to cafe’s/museums and sailing. Your day would also involve in house groups like jamming out with our Music Therapist or learning new ways to communicate.

Volunteers are encouraged to think about the things they are passionate about and get in touch with Glenda on practicemanager@thumbsuptrust.org.nz; 04 586 8069; or 022 489 2066. We try our best to match volunteers with their strengths and passions. So, if you enjoy being around interesting and fun people, give us a call today!

If you are interested in casual employment as a Support Worker please contact the Administrator, Katrina Girvan on admin@thumbsuptrust.org.nz or phone 04 5868069.


We look forward to hearing from you and possibly having us join our amazing team!

Thumbs Up Charitable Trust